Attracting Your Ideal Clients

December 22, 2009 at 12:11 pm Leave a comment

It’s one thing to get your goods within reach on the search engines, but quite another to have your ideal clients actually find you. Defining your posts and articles to a fine-point is actually very helpful in your goal of attracting your ideal clients.

Many people in business try to market to everyone hoping that what they offer may attract some of them. This causes a lot of frustration on behalf of the potential client because they are sifting through tons of information that does not address specifically what they are interested in.

Simply put, business is much easier if the client who is in search of what you are already offering can find you. The more you narrow down and describe specifically what you have to offer, the easier time your ideal clients will have finding you. You are literally clearing a path so that these ideal clients can find you.

Long-tailed keywords are keywords (or tags) that are entered together in a string (so instead of entering single words like “banjo” or “lessons” into the search engine you may enter “teaching methods for banjo”). You can see how entering a string of information gets you more exactly in line with what you are actually in search of.

It is the same when you are entering your keywords. The more specific you are, the more targeted your audience will be. It lessens your search returns, but you are actually developing an ability to receive an audience who is distinctively looking for what you are already offering! This lets you focus on doing what you do best rather than trying to be everything to everyone.

Here is an example to further illustrate this point.

Suppose you are retiring and just now considering taking up Golf but you are not sure where to begin to learn how. You spend the day driving around in your car to see what you can learn about this in a fun and comfortable way. Finally you find a few stores. One is called “Sports” one is called “Golf.” Which are you more likely to enter?

Both will probably be able to tell you about Golf, but one seems more directly geared to what you are looking for. Then you see another store called “New Golfers” and out front are signs that say “Beginner Classes” and “Taking Up Golf for the First Time.” Now which store do you want to spend time in first? Just from that extra small bit of detail you have a better idea which store may serve your needs best.

The same is true for your articles and posts. Being specific with your Keywords and Titles brings you people who are interested in exactly what you are offering. The search results become less (which means they are more manageable to the person doing the searching). Those who find you are less likely to be those who take up your time asking a bunch of questions and then go away in frustration because they were actually looking for something completely different. Actually, those who locate you this way are more likely to be your ideal clients because your details matched what they were looking for and delivered them directly to you!

Happy Writing!

Healing Light Studio

Entry filed under: Assigning Keywords, Healing Light Studio, Marketing, Tips for Writing. Tags: , , , , , , , , , .

I Have My Keywords, Now What?

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